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Location: Kochav Yaacov, Israel

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ashrecha Yisrael

(based on the second Meturgeman Drasha, Simchat Torah shel Galuyot, 23 Tishrei, 5762)

I'm often rather negative and gloomy (you noticed?), but I am still an optimist because I know that, no matter how long the road may be, the Geula will be at the end and it will all be worth it. All Hashem asks of us is to behave like mentschen, and then He will fulfill all His promises, do our fighting for us, and make sure we will never have to fight again.

So we come on Simchat Torah, the pinnacle of Z'man Simchateinu, to the pinnacle of the K'riya, the Chatan Torah. And what does it say? (D'varim 33:29) "Happy are you, Israel, who is like you? A nation saved by Hashem, the Shield of your help and the Sword of your pride; your enemies will oppose you, but you will tread on their high places."

It can't be put any simpler than that. The task that has been laid on us is never easy, but it can be done. Once it is, we will have earned the ultimate Simcha.