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Location: Kochav Yaacov, Israel

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Mazal Tov, I'm Eirev Rav

The owner of another blog recently posted a request to his posters to tone down the invective; he said we should direct our anger at the eirev rav, not at each other. I posted a response that nothing would change; each person would define anyone who doesn't agree with him or her as eirev rav and go on hating. Within hours, to prove my point, someone posted this:

'"...anyone who does not participate in the battle against the Erev Rav becomes, de facto, a partner with the k'lipah of the Erev Rav, and was better off not being born in the first place." (Kol HaTor, Chapter 2, Section 2, Letter 'bais')'

I don't and won't battle against the eirev rav; and I refuse to define any Jew as a non-Jew because I don't like them. I guess that means this person is calling me eirev rav; I'm not overly surprised and actually somewhat pleased, in a dark sort of way.

(There IS a point to statements from various gedolim about eirev rav, Givonim, and so on, which I will probably bring up again, but the point is NOT to take away the Jewishness of anyone, but to remind us all that being a Torah-true Jew as Hashem intended involves far more from us each second of our lives than just the fact that we were born of a Jewish mother or converted by a Beit Din.)

This accusation had definite implications in Jewish law. First of all, as it says, I have to be battled against. Once I am defeated, I would have to be offered 3 choices: become a Ger Toshav (Ben Noach) and stay in Israel, leave the land (Yehudi M'garesh Yehudi, as long as he's redefined as not Yehudi), or die. At least I have options.

And my neighbors had better be warned. I can't count in a minyan anymore, they can't trust my Kashrut, and they can't listen to me layn anymore, among other things. On the other hand, it's always nice to have a Shabbos goy on the block...

If our enemies were smart, they would back off the rate we're going we will all kill each other off for them in no time.